Maandelijks archief: mei 2014

Spread the Principal of Life awareness

Spread the Principal of Life awareness in your own surroundings
Spread the awareness via little notes in supermarkets or in the streets or (well be creative…)

Living Together costs nothing and is back within one day. Our government is informed for years already. Nevertheless the govt continues to rob tax money, increase the pensionable age, increasing all kinds of suppression, and keep on pretending there are shortages.

Since 2006 this is seen through, but the govt persists in looking away scared as they are for this profound truth. You could have your free access to life within one day! But your govt REFUSES to facilitate your living together, our living together. Your govt does not care about your living together, our living together. Your govt rather let people starve and loosing their houses. Your govt rather protect the current burdening structures and systems. Your govt SHOULD protect your living together, our living together. But they still REFUSE. This is suppression.

Are you willing to be touched in your inner
When you want to learn more about the fact that your living together, our living together, is suppressed deliberately by politicians, health insurance companies, welfare, tax department, and so on and so on… simply because those people are to afraid to lose their free conveniences and let you pay for it, both financially/emotionally/mentally/spiritually/energetic: they are burdening you with taxation which is totally unnecessary and illegal too… you have to bleed, your living together and our living together have to bleed… This is deep deep suppression and aggression too

Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

(This is an inspirational text which you can use freely but you are free to say this in your own words too of course and we very much like to hear/read your inspirational texts)

Learn more?

The New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm (homeschooling, both English and Dutch)

We embed the Transition: As long as the govts REFUSE to facilitate our living together we facilitate ourselves. This is what we SHOULD DO: we do not need govts, we NEED governing ourselves. But again: the whole world is REFUSING to live together. Do YOU?









Image suppression Left is saying: they are separating THEMSELVES keeping on discussing our living together Right is saying: we ARE this, we ARE living together, we ARE sovereigns. But she is REFUSED and CUT OUT by the suppressors The middle is saying: you choose YES or NO to living together


Restore the economy, that monster?

Figuring out what’s wrong with the economy?
Well that monster (economy) does not exist. But you are programmed to believe he does. Well Equinomy proves you that this monster is an illusion. So we can not fix it either. We can not fix a monster that not exist.

But today’s truth is that people’s lives are screwed up: more and more people are living under ‘poverty level’ (yes in the Netherlands also), loosing their houses (yes in the Netherlands also), becoming more and more sick because of their financial situation (and yes in the Netherlands also), etc. Peoples lives are disrupted. Maybe one or more of those people are your friend, family, or neighbors…

But their lives are not screwed up by the monster, because that does not exist. So something which does not exist can not be restored of course. We are not in search of a solution of the problems of the old. We are not in search of a solution of an illusion. That would be stupid. Wouldn’t that be?

The monster does not exist!

I invite you to let the images in and feel the meaning of them. I invite you to let the images touch you and do their work in you.

What to DO then?
We DID step away from this ‘monster’, this illusion. We went to the core of the current shit created on Earth, which is suppression. So we DID step away from suppression also. And invite you to step away too. Oh you feel there is no suppression in your life and there is no suppression in you? Well wait… you will recognize it: if you dare to look… If you dare me to touch you…

Suppression and his recognition

All suppression happens via ‘the system’. The system of rules, legal! laws (which are unlawful because are not Natural Law), and financial assumptions. ‘The system’ suppresses via taxes and via promises of aggression which goes along with taxation. That’s suppression! When you are a voluntary player in this system YOU are the suppressor. When you pay taxes, or are asking welfare, or ask your bank to create money for you for a mortgage or loan… you are a voluntary player in this system and because of that are the suppressor. Do you agree? I am not accusing you: this is not about being guilty. This is about being fair and honest and the willingness to be touched in your inner self. Only then the healing can begin.

What created the mess on Earth is showed transparently in the open via the internet and other channels for all to see (so look it up if you which to research the old). And The New Paradigm and the New Reference Point is here for years already: our stolen life entrance is back within one day and does not cost anything. This is the One Programming Rule. But she is REFUSED. So your free life entrance could be back within one day but is REFUSED. Again: all the poverty, hurt, struggle for life, inequity, and equality could be restored within one day but is REFUSED. This is why TODAY people are starving and losing their houses. This REFUSAL is called suppression!

When YOU REFUSE the One Programming Rule yourself, which is REFUSING a true living togetherness from a shared life entrance, you are the suppressor yourself. Can you see this? Or do you feel pissed of by now, because I am pointing out the suppressor is in all of us and is in you also. But when this is not true for you, when you are not the suppressor then I am not hurting you by saying this? Or would I? You would simply look in yourself and feel/see if you can recognize the suppressor in you. You would be surprised to find him… maybe… or not, because when you would be honest you already knew but did not know how… or did not want to DO the EFFORT to step away from him… And again I am not accusing you. I am inviting you to be open for healing.

It’s very simple and does not need a plan
The core is free Life Entrance for all Humanity from which every ones needs are met. This is not about economy, this is about Equinomy. Remember? The monster does not exist. Jet suppression does exist! And we need to step back from him. Collectively!



Equinomy is already here





Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.


Making it solid awareness in the Field…
From this Field… Real Love… Equi Living Togetherness is pouring her essence

Equinomy is already here and does not need a plan






That is ‘Equi’ in yourself: truly willing to live together from a shared life-entrance.

You are the Equi(valent) of your basic needs you need to be physically alive. So claim this Equi(valent) money and your basic needs are met.

Equi(valent) money costs nothing and is back within one day: so no redistribution of (gold backed up) money and taxation is needed.

Your (sexual) life force energy backs Euro (US) currency, but you think money is backed by gold. So groups are chasing the gold backed up money.

This is the Abundance principle
Life sharing is the (co-)creational Power of Life. This is a true sharing and connection in equity and equality. No need to give more then to receive… Why? In making deep spiritual love there is an exchange of (sexual) life force energy and Real Love in equity and equality too!

That is ALREADY truth.
This is the Principal of Life.

There are no economical problems, never were, and never will be. There is a deliberate or unconscious refusal of the Principal of Life. But now there is no innocence anymore. So in the here now all refusal is deliberate.

It is ALREADY the truth that your (sexual) life force energy backs Euro (US) currency. That’s why they talk about the birth certificate fraud, because this money does not flow to you but to the fraudulent banks.

Stand for your birth right and claim the One Programming Rule which corrects this fraud.
Equinomy: the One Programming Rule
No more starvation, people losing their houses, suppression in so many ways (yes welfare is also suppression: the deepest subtle suppression)…

‘They’ have made you believe that you need ‘money’ in order to live. This is a lie spun to harvest your (sexual) life force energy and enslave you. WE DON’T NEED MONEY. Old money that is. The One Programming Rule (Existence Money, Bestaansgeld) proves this, because with Existence Money every ones basic needs are met without paying money.

Money is re-invented a long time ago already.

No plan
Just implementing One Programming Rule (Existence Money, Bestaansgeld) in banking applications. It’s that easy!
All life will self-correct when our stolen free life entrance is corrected. The current burdening systems and structures will transform or dissolve by itself because life is flowing in her own context again. Natural Law or Cosmic Law or Tribal Traditions… will be restored on Earth also.

The power is ours. But we must use it. Together as a ‘ Global Free Community‘.

All humanity will thrive again and will (co-)create what s/he is willing to (co-)create. Could be new technologies too of course: in (co-)creation all will unfold by itself.


Learn more about
The One Programming Rule
The Principal of Life
Money is re-invented a long time ago already
A huge availability of money
Natural Law and Tribal Traditions
A true sharing and connection
Basic income transformed

The Principal of Life is still jumped over




Over and over again the essence of a true living togetherness is jumped over.

The Principal of Life is still jumped over
Equi awareness is already available via my blogs etc. Trying to make people aware of it has no more value to me, because there is no true living togetherness yet.

Equi and Equi Place coming from Equi awareness, the Principal of Life, is no promise to our living togetherness, but a facilitation. But she only can facilitate what people live and in the here now people are not living together. So Equi is not able to facilitate this choice.

People need to stand for themselves: have to do their inner liberation process themselves.

In the here now Equi and Equi Place is misused as a promise. But she is not. This we want to make very very clear. Its up to humanity to make this inner choice, living together. We are not an institute. We are not saviors. We never did any promises: we simply can not: you (as in everyone individual) are the one you have been waiting for.

The One Programming Rule is out there. We embed the Transition: so the ones truly longing and DOing living together can DO that, but almost nobody is.

We do not want to make fake promises or our message encapsulated and twisted spread forward. We do not want to be responsible for that. Everyone has to take ownership in truly living together.

Now since all the awareness is out people CAN and HAVE TO stand for themselves, for their own free life entrance. And they have to expect from their govt, who should be facilitation bureaus (which they are NOT), to facilitate our living togetherness. Now its up to others to grow up.
We informed our govts, our banks, police officers (who should transform into police man), courts… all current structures we did inform but they REFUSE to do anything with our message. And since most of our fellow man also REFUSE to step into the Circle of Life there is no effort coming from our fellow man. No true effort: it takes time and courage to do this inner work. We can not do this work for humanity. Humanity has to embrace the essence of the transition, i.e. truly live together and stand for their own free life entrance. Humanity can not skip the essence.

Nobody can escape this inner work: stand for their own free life entrance and the free life entrance of their fellow man. What most people are doing now is using the Equi Place aka Money Place application as a solution to solve poverty: that’s placing Money Place in a totally wrong position. By doing this, placing Money Place in the wrong position and skipping the essence, her profound awareness and message is encapsulated and twisted. (This is why the Money Place Platform is dissolved in June 2015.)

Still the Principal of Life is skipped. The Principal of Life which is: letting life in her own context by creating entrance money which costs nothing and is back within one day and from this life itself will be in her own context again and all distortion and control, etc. will dissolve by itself. Because the Principal of Life is skipped people are having unjust expectations of Money Place (and her co-creators). But we are not an institute. We are no saviors. We are facilitators of a true living togetherness.









We are not a promise to ‘poor people’. The message is the other way around: the ‘have’s’ should step into the Circle of Life and accept Equi currencies from their fellow man. But they REFUSE. And the ‘poor’ are trying to safe the ‘poor’. But this is not ‘it’. Perceived from the new awareness we do not create poverty anymore so there will be no poorness and there will be no richness anymore as we know it. But a true living togetherness.

By now the world is aware that money is only a huge spreadsheet. So the world, humanity, has to stand up for themselves, their own free life entrance, and shout the One Programming Rule. Humanity must face the reality of the now that their govt (and also there fellow man) are representative aggressors REFUSING a true living togetherness.

All re-action patters are not from Equi awareness, but still humanity is re-acting and projecting on her and spitting her out.

People continue to connect the essence of Equi Place aka Money Place to poor people, as if Equi Place aka Money Place will solve the misery of poor people. Equi Place aka Money Place is designed for people who can and want to live together and thus let life flow, and by this then actually bring about a change in the experience of poverty. This is what we always communicate. Equi Place aka Money Place is not intended to give people just another experience again the other people offer them nothing. For some reason, over and over again, people without money want to be the world-saviors of other poor people and try to use Equi Place aka Money Place for this message.

On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolved but her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.

The Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always. The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no interference, just let her BE.

We provided an overview of the wonderful facilities Equi Place offered.

We ARE the New Earth





Abundance IS and does not need to be created nor attracted to you

Still, or perhaps right now, money is surrounded by taboos, it’s thought of only as means of power and control, it is found shameful if you are in need of money, and is money limited to taxing one another physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. These illusionary ideas lead to much frustration in our living together. That is such a shame, because it can be so very different from the heart, the essence of Abundance…

Perhaps the most important illusionary idea is that you think your life will only be great if you can attract (The Secret) sufficient funds to you. That you need all sorts of tips and techniques to create abundance for yourself. That you’re doing something wrong because you are not experiencing abundance in your life. Because it is you who is unable, for whatever reason, to attract enough money to you. You can then feel guilt or shame, because you experience lack and shortage in your life (because of a substantial deficit). By looking outside yourself to abundance you give away your ownership over your Free Life, and your own way of experiencing Life and celebrating Freedom. The realization that you are abundance that you are Source Power, is the basis of a satisfactory and mature way of experiencing abundance and connect from there, as a true sharing/connection/exchange, with the other.

You can only give from your Source what you have recognized and acknowledged in yourSelf and thus really have adopted in yourself. From Source Power you will make lighter and more life-Giving choices for yourself. If you have acknowledged yourself as Source Power then you don’t compromise and you will not settle for anything less than what you truly deeply desire, especially in living unburdened freely together. As an energetically Free Human, you would like to connect with other energetically Free Humans.

You then naturally desire deeply to support each other and really embed each other in free living together. Feelings of lack, jealousy, and dependent behavior are no longer needed. You just don’t know these things anymore. Not because you have transcended yourself above these feelings, nor because ‘they are allowed to be just there’ (but yes: that too: these feelings are allowed to be there). No, it is because of the real new experience, the essential (em)bedding of each other’s free Living, that these feelings are just not there anymore.

Giving each other unconditionally embedding… embedding in a free Living together, that is what is needed. Then all outward projecting stops and then you can heal. Healing is a direct result of unconditional embedding each other in an unburdened living together. Then you will also be able to see that it is about living Life (instead of coping and surviving), and enjoying Life… Enjoying the Beauty of Life in a true connection and sharing with yourSelf, others, and nature. You discover that you are abundance…









I need to address a comment on the Abundance principal and my response to that from true Abundance

Someone was saying
@All create there own Abundance and you can feel Abundance in lack too. Then that’s your experience according to your resonance/frequency, because you do attract your own experience of lack.

I believe we all create our circumstances but there is no judgment involved. One who creates an abundance of lack is not doing something wrong. All circumstances are equally valid. Some however create circumstances they say they don’t prefer but keep resonating with nevertheless. There is little point in telling others to be more generous in order to quench ones own thirst. It would only emphasize the feeling of not having enough and thus create more unsatisfied needs. Again, there is no judgment here. It is an explanation how this works. All choices should be respected.

My response from true Abundance
I do not agree that everyone creates there own reality, because in my awareness that simply is not true. In the past I have written a column about ‘responsibility‘ (which is in Dutch you could use google translate but you will get a mixed up translation probably).

I try to translate in short (and when someone feels h/she wants to translate the complete article you are very welcome):
@Je kunt natuurlijk alleen maar verantwoordelijk zijn voor je eigen gedachte-intenties. Niet voor die van anderen. Je kunt natuurlijk ook alleen maar verantwoordelijk zijn voor de keuzes die JIJ zelf maakt in jouw eigen leven. Als iemand jou een kogel door je hoofd schiet, ben niet jij daar verantwoordelijk voor (zoals ik hierboven schrijf kun je dit vanuit karma anders benaderen), maar de schutter. Hoe de schutter tot zijn daad komt, kan dan weer vanuit zijn achtergrond bekeken en begrepen worden. Begrip is wat anders als dat de schutter niet verantwoordelijk zou zijn voor zijn gedrag. Dat is hij wel. Een soldaat die zich de oorlog in laat sturen, is verantwoordelijk voor zijn keuze. Een politicus is verantwoordelijk voor zijn keuze de bevolking te willen aansturen, besturen, beïnvloeden. De bevolking is verantwoordelijk voor haar keuze de macht uit handen te geven aan degenen die over hen willen regeren.

Zo ook is de mens in eigen leven verantwoordelijk voor de keuze shit, honger, en oorlog in de wereld te laten bestaan. Zolang je jouw macht uit handen geeft aan hen die onderdrukken, ben jij daar zelf verantwoordelijk voor. Niet de onderdrukkers. Ja vanzelfsprekend zijn zij verantwoordelijk voor hun keuze te onderdrukken, maar dat kunnen ze alleen maar doen als de onderdrukten dat toestaan. 1% van de wereldbevolking zou de macht hebben over 99%. Hoe is dat mogelijk? Dat is slechts mogelijk doordat 99% die 1% de macht geeft. Stop met je de oorlog in te laten sturen, stop met het toedienen van allopathische middelen die mensen afhankelijk en uiteindelijk vervroegd dood maken, stop met werken in instituten en structuren die anderen belasten…

I do not agree that ‘the world’ is makable. I do not agree that ‘your own individual situation’ is makable. Yes partly it is. You are responsible for your own intentions (which starts in your heart-mind). You are not responsible for the ones of others. You are responsible for your own choices in your own life, not for the ones of others. When someone is shoots a bullet through your head, you are not responsible, the other is (from the idea of karma you could perceive this different on an individual level). You could have compassion with the shooter, but he is responsible for his act of course. A soldier which is going to war is responsible for doing so and following the orders. A politician is responsible for his/her choice to steer, suppress, and influencing ‘citizens’ (we are no citizens and we are perfectly capable of self governance). The crowd is responsible for their choice to give away her power to the ones who long to ‘power over’.

A human being is responsible for the choice to let excist the shit, hunger, and war in his OWN life. As long as you give away your power you are responsible being suppressed. Not the suppressor. Yes of course h/she is responsible for the suppression. So yes stop following orders and going to war, stop giving allopatic ‘medicine’ like chemotherapy which are killing people instead of curing them, stop working in the institutes and structures which are suppressing and burdening us


Our life entrance is stolen from us. Life is not in its own context. This is the reality of the now. Life is suppressed and burdened. Our living togetherness is disrupt. We are living in a sick society because of eons and eons suppression and this is why our psyche is sick, really sick.

This must be healed. And this only will heal from a true living togetherness.

This first! We need protection for our true living togetherness. And this protection is not here. This is not in the unlawful laws: we can not report our stolen life entrance as a crime, because there is no written law to protect us (which is no coincidence of course and we know already that all written laws are unlawful). We need protection, but is not here. We need entrance to life but is stolen from us. This is the reality of the now. And workshops like The Secret will not change anything in this reality.

What will change this (unnatural and unlawful) reality? Well this blog is providing you awareness on that.

It’s so difficult for tender hearts to thrive in this world. That’s not because they need another money workshop or success workshop to learn how to attract money and wealth in their lives. No the reason is that the most tender hearts can and will not cope with the current sick society. It are not those tender hearts that need to be healed (yes that too) but the sick psyche in people, the sick society needs healing. Less tender hearts developed coping mechanisms and perceive those as talents, but those are not talents… those are coping mechanisms and has nothing to do with thriving.

For all of us to thrive we need protection in our true living togetherness. And the truth is this protection is not here (yet). The laws (which are unlawful according to Natural/Cosmic Law) are not protecting our true living togetherness. We could not report our stolen life entrance.

And this we all need: protection for our true living togetherness from a free entrance to life. We need our free life entrance back, its already ours but stolen from us: we need it back. Then we can all thrive from within and let unfold our natural talents finally. Life in its own context without interference from outside.

What can tender hearts do? What can we all do? Must do? Communicate from this awareness. Claim your birth right, a free entrance to life, back. Communicate with family, friends, teachers, police man, politicians, etc. Step into the Circle of Life (also when you have nothing to contribute financially), create a Circle of Life for yourself and ask your friends to contribute to your life entrance, etc.

Well the ones with ‘big’ jobs in the ‘old’ offering success and money workshops for example to learn you techniques how to attract money and wealth will (most) possibly use explanations from the sick psyche of the individual. By this you learn to discern: is there a true togetherness or not.

The sick psyche of the individual working in the old systems and structures will not even acknowledge the fact that his/her current situation (of wealth) IS created by his/her togetherness, not by his/herself alone. As if, being a taxing administration agency is fully set up by you alone, 1 person, on earth. No, The total frame of taxing and suppressive structures and systems are there, created for you already, by suppression. And h/she decided to step in.

The moment we live from essence again, together, which costs nothing, the ones with ‘good jobs’ in the ‘old’ will loose everything that is connected to their profession and that’s the proof h/she did not create/ attract it at all by her/himself. The ‘old’ just use the compost that others are spilled on, saying to that people on the compost: ‘Oh, you just creating this lack yourself’. Yeah the ones attached to the ‘old’ will be in protection mode and are not longing for transformation in our living togetherness. We need to face this. And develop discernment on this.

Spiritual War and Transmutation





We are in the middle of a spiritual war, not a materialistic one and its all about our (sexual) life force energy.

If we all act on our own signing authority, then the system collapses and we will realize we did not need it in the first place. All male and female are equal once they tap into their signing authority in equity, cause we all have equal (equity) rights and unlimited value. Then the clowns that think they have authority over the masses, well they have to disappear and their egos taken down a few notches. All they can manipulate is legal signing authority, but once each male and female moves into equity, then the game is over for them.

Legal or public or people, all the same… groups, corporations, governments… followers and leaders… This is public domain, not equitable domain. In equity, each individual is their own sovereign nation state, self governing, etc

But when you hear ‘the one people’, ‘we the people’, stay away from this as this is public legal manipulation, grouping all souls into one, that is how one can think they have signing authority over 7 billion.

We are in the middle of a spiritual war and its all about Knowing Thyself and Inner Alchemy, which is the true transmutation. Then You Are in Your Own Individual Power and start living from a true togetherness and sharing with Your Morther Earth and in alignment with All There Is. No more manipulation, no more harvesting of your (sexual) life force energy. Just you flowing wherever life wishes you to flow(er).

On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolved but her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.

The Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always. The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no interference, just let her BE.

In November 2015 we co-created new Platforms and new video series and provided the wonderful facilities Equi Place offered. We always are coming from the Reality of the NOW.

We ARE the New Earth

We Are The Value

I see that people are still in the confusion of the meaning of the word Value.

Well, the meaning is in different layers: spiritual, self awareness, and economical. Be sure that you are already are past the spiritual and self awareness one. Then you understand the next one: the economical one.

You ARE your own economical value

BY being alive, exactly where you are. Because: every month you WILL go to the bakery, the butcher, and so on. This IS your economical Value. And you must understand, feel through, that this Value is YOURS. It comes from YOU being on earth, so it is yours. And thus YOU decide to use it as a means of exchange. In my country I WILL spend about 750 each month. This is MY economical value. Do you understand this? This is MINE, because I create this economical space for the butcher and so on, because I AM alive. When I am dead, the butcher misses my economical value. Does everybody understand this? So, the 750 each month is MY economical value, and so I can express this in 750 money numbers (means of exchange).





I don’t need to sign for this. Why should I? It is mine, And I express it, use it, the way I want to, and I chose how these money-numbers are to be facilitated. Because it is MINE: it offsprings from ME, it is mine. ( the capitals are there to emphasize the area in us, not to shout).

So you are not being rewarded with the x-money numbers of your value: this has nothing to do with You Are The Value.

Why x? in money numbers?: the x? is the amount you need to be physically alive and to have your basic needs met. When we would need 1000,00 then we create those money numbers a month. When we would need 500,00 then 500,00 etc. This is why the amount of money you are able to create monthly in Money Place (Equi) is flexible, because the amount you need depends on the country you live in and even the area you live.

These money numbers are the restoration for the fact that our free life entrance is stolen. When we would have free life entrance, when we would live together from a free unburdened, unburdening, and shared life entrance (Ubuntu in essence) then these money numbers as a restoration would not be necessary.

So our life entrance is occupied, stolen, and that’s why we need the restoration. That’s why you need to stand for the One Programming Rule. That’s why you need to become aware who you really are.

The transformation is not about money at all and is not a project, a concept, an idea, its not about savings for your children or/and grandchildren, etc., but about our living togetherness, about knowing who we really are, about becoming aware of the All Law and the essence of Ubuntu (which is life in its own context) and BEING the causal effect for the New Generation.

The choice you have to make, is: do you really long to connect from the new reference point? Maybe you do not comprehend it completely already, but there must be a feeling of recognition and resonance by now.

On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolved but her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.

The Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always. The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no interference, just let her BE.

In November 2015 we co-created new Platforms and new video series and provided the wonderful facilities Equi Place offered. We always are coming from the Reality of the NOW.

We ARE the New Earth



Awareness on liberation processes







Standing for your Free Access to Life, Existence Money (Bestaansgeld), you can compare with the liberation process black people went. Look at the time that black people were suppressed on earth. Because of this the black people had a lot of problems experienced in their lives. What was laying in the midst of all these problems, i.e. the freedom of black people (so you do not have to look into all the problems separately but go directly to the midst of all the problems the black had)… The freedom of black people was already of black people because its their spiritual possession but was suppressed or you could say ‘switched off’. Black people were pushed out of the equation, they were excluded. The big shift started when the switch in the inner awareness of the black people was on again. That time the liberation process started. From that moment on black people could make new choices in their own lives.

So the shift was: that what was already from the black people, freedom, but was switched off (suppressed) was switched on again.

The shift could happen because the black people started to stand up for themselves because they were really done with suppression. Together they stood up for themselves. The black people did this process themselves: they were not hoping for someone or something outside themselves (aliens for example).

This same process we have to do to get Free Access to Life back on earth. Equivalent money shows that free life entrance costs nothing. So we have to stand for it. The current corrupt system spits out people and this is what we have to look at. These people are placed out of our togetherness. How do we get the spitted out people back in our living togetherness? Well very simple: create the money numbers people need for their access to life, i.e. food, shelter, warmth, clothing, etc. Equivalent money to being alive and to get our basic needs met. The equivalent money depends on the country you live in or state or even region. So sufficient for your basic needs.

Money is nothing more then money numbers> agreed? So over and over again we must claim we want these money numbers to be created for us, for our living togetherness.

Are you in contact with the profound meaning of this of the awareness that entrance money, Existence Money, does not cost anything and is back within one day?

When this awareness is ‘on’ in you you start claiming! this equivalent money for yourself and your living togetherness. From you inner awareness you start to expect them (your facilitation bureaus) to create the equivalent money number for you. So we do not depend on our govts. NO we depend on our inner strength and power to STAND FOR and to claim! our basic needs met by creating sufficient money, equivalent money. So stand up to your suppressors and claim!: STOP SUPPRESSING US. By this we show the world that ‘they’ don’t do facilitate us. This is your own inner liberation process and the moment you comprehend this you stop looking outside yourself for a savior, the working of an institute or program, or nice and lovable persons.

Making this awareness applicable is the logical step AFTER this awareness is SWITCHED ON again. You did not say to the black people: well how do you make your freedom applicable BEFORE the awareness was switched on again. That’s impossible. First the awareness must be switched on again. Then making this awareness applicable in your life and living togetherness will have to happen in one way or another. We are not putting ‘poor people’ in the position of poor people, we are not coming from ‘poorness’ at all: because perceived from the new they are not. So they have to shout for their equivalent money too. Like the black people stood up for their selves from their inner awareness and strength. The whole country must shout this. Every one must shout this for themselves by themselves (this is the transformation in the single person). Then you use your inner felt anger and sincere indignation to speak up for yourself: the suppression has to stop! Again realize that creating equivalent money for all humanity does not cost anything and is done by implementing one programming rule in the software of banking applications. Its that easy! What an impact hey when you comprehend this?!

As long as govts REFUSE to implement the one programming rule meanwhile we start living together ourselves. Besides we can life from ‘new’ Existence Money: In the here now we can create equivalent money ourselves via a new application. Perceived from the new awareness and the ‘new’ Existence Money poverty is dissolved (and richness as we know it too).
So we have stepped into the new and We embed the Transition.

You could say that the leap is very difficult to make in peoples mind because there are very few people out there who really comprehends this profound new awareness. Yes perceived from the old this is true. Perceived from the new it is not. Can you see this?

Well I leave my effort to pass on discernment in you here and I invite you to deliberate on it. You already know what the new reference point is, i.e. access to life does costs nothing and is back within one day: the One Programming Rule. So I ask you to deliberate on all this from the new. When re-actions do come up, feel: are they coming from the old or from the new…: are you re-acting or are coping mechanisms or escape behavior coming up, for example our living togetherness should be without money because our living togetherness is meant to live without money. Which is not the truth but this comes up because you feel innerly touched by the new, but suddenly do not know what to do with this. The necessity to move away from money is from the old. You could also say: well the situation of the black people became even more worse living in the current system. Well in the here now the situation of the black people is not different of ours. Liberation processes goes step by step too. The transformation the black people went through is not completed. As ours is not completed also. Free entrance to life is the deepest liberation process on earth and from all humanity, not only for the blacks or the tribal people. Free entrance to life liberates all humanity from control and repressive tolerance (of the corporations which our current govts are). The transition we are in now is from all humanity: the completion of the liberation processes others went before us we ourselves have to stand for. Our free entrance to life which will end all suppression. When you yourself do not stand for your free entrance to life, the One Programming Rule, you are a suppressor of a true living togetherness too and you are burdening your fellow man to be alive. DOn’t touch me…

When you feel touched by the new but do not know what to do with it? Let the new do her work in you and maybe you want guidance on your pathtantra




Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

Economics of Certainty is explained in the e-book ‘Welcoming Each Other and Her Protection (vertaling in het Nederlands: ‘Elkaar Welkom Heten en Haar Bescherming‘. Deel 1 van het e-boek is vrijelijk beschikbaar).

Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.

We Embed the Transition group on Facebook
People in this group embed the transition and contribute to the free existence of their fellow human and/or stand for their own ‘free existence‘ and ask for it.

We Embed the Transition Community page on Facebook
On this page you can find information from the new reference point and the transition. People who are on this page are looking into their current ‘black hole’ in their psyche relating to money consciousness, the meaning of ‘each other’ and a normal unburdening and unburdened living together on Earth, the profound meaning of Free Existence (Money) and its implications: in short people who are on this page are in the process of opening up and healing their consciousness from ‘normal living together on Earth‘ and its implications.

This is TRUE compassion, because only 1 child suffering is 1 too many for those who come from the inner Space of TRUE compassion. So many are talking about compassion, but do not Walk their Talk. There is no innocence anymore because the new area, from the Real Zero Point, is enclosed totally (for some years already).

Its up to the Next Generation to LIVE TRUE compassion and to NOT push people out of the equation… NOT to exclude, but to include… (this text is in Dutch, please use google translate for translation into English).

There is a huge availability of ‘old’ money.

Living Togetherness






English speaking persons could have difficulties to grasp the profound meaning of ‘living togetherness because they could ‘hear’ living together in a house or commune. But ‘living togetherness’ is not about that.

‘Living togetherness or truly living togetherness or living together’ does mean: living together in a normal way on earth, without written laws and rules, without all the incorporated bullshit, without corporations like our govts and the current banks are, without the birth certificate (fraud), without the old money system, the old structures, unnatural borders, etc. So ‘living togetherness’ covers ‘natural law’ or ‘tribal law’ and the birth certificate fraud/’reclaim your name’ also.

It also means that every ones needs are met: The One Programming Rule provides this. So the fact that our free life entrance, access to life is stolen from us, is restored. We do not need redistribution of old money for this and also no taxation.

In other words, living togetherness means: a true sharing and connection in true freedom connecting with the ones you want to connect with and co-creating what you want to co-create. You could say a living together in ‘inter-in-dependency’ also. There will be no collective burdening, abuse, etc. but harmony and mutual acknowledgement, ownership, do no harm, Natural Law and Tribal Traditions.

A true living togetherness does not mean that there should be no means of exchange anymore. There is no necessity of moving away from money. The old money is already transformed and re-invented.

Existence Money is not ‘an alternative system because of the coming collapse’.

Currencies are not going to make the change. Indeed. Because the transformation is NOT about money at all. The transition is about our true living togetherness. So, what we did, since 2006, was: starting to live together as it is supposed to be. And thus, this living together facilitates itself with all kind of stuff. Like for example: money that works exactly as it is supposed to be: available at a personal level, to be created by ourselves.

So, the choice for living together starts first
Existence Money is an implementation from the new. She is not here to clean the mess of the world that keeps on holding on to the old, and now is searching for something to clean up the mess of this holding on to the old. ‘New’ currency is not going to work for the transition, When you think of ‘new’ currency like this, you perceive ‘new’ currency from ‘the old’ and you position it wrongly.

Our inner structure is transformed and from our new inner structure we DO live together
‘new’ Existence Money says NOT that she is taking care of the transition. She is used by people who DID go into transition. Wanting to live together comes first.

Natural Law or Tribal Traditions








‘Common Law’ is still slavery law, used to justify the genocide of indigenous peoples. It pre-dated Statutory Law, from which Statutory and Civil Law come. The misunderstanding of Common Law comes from Kevin Annett’s Manual on Common Law. A brief history of Common Law.

Brehon Law is a form of Oral Tribal Tradition and would count as Tribal Law. Anything Oral that derives from the culture in which it is practiced would be considered Tribal Law. To call it ‘law’ is really inaccurate because the traditions are handed down in the form of stories and support the ‘Living Togetherness’ of the community.

We can use the term Natural Law. Which we can all define as do no harm. Both Natural Law (in nature there is a law and hierarchy) and Tribal Traditions work for me to express Natural Law/Cosmic Law in a true living togetherness.







Taxing is Illegal and unlawful according to Natural Law/Cosmic Law/the All Law

Politicians know this already. At least in Europe they do. And perceiving from this video people in America have awareness too on this issue.

‘They’ try to contract us by saying US citizens, but when you are aware of the birth certificate fraud you are conscious you are not your birth certificate and that it is all fraud. We are not citizens, we are living human beings (spiritual beings having experiences in a physical body).

Furthermore tax money is not necessary at all: all we NEED we can create out of thin air… The ‘new money’ we can create out of thin air and there is no taxation or redistribution of ‘old money’ needed at all. This is a lie too.

Look on my blogs for in-depth awareness on a true living togetherness which costs nothing and is back within one day.

We need to grow into our discernment in ‘old money’ and ‘new money’ too because otherwise we drag the ‘old’ in our psyche (and therefor our outer world) into the ‘new’.

In short: ‘old money’ is the expression of lack, shortage, division, hate, inequity and inequality, control, steering, governments, power over, suppression, oppression, rules and laws which are the layers over our direct living togetherness, taxation, debt, the Secret (and other money workshops and success workshops which has nothing to do with the Abundance principal: they will learn you how to pull money and success towards you. These are all techniques based on the shortage principal and fear).

‘New money’ is the expression of abundance, oneness, love, equity and equality, freedom, self governance, inner strength, coming from source, crowd power facility, plain means of exchange, credits/coupons, no taxation, is unburdening and unburdened on all levels (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically), letting life flow in its own context.

‘New money’ has nothing to do with ‘a local currency’. ‘New Existence Money’ is the transmutated form of our money, from a right perception of ourselves and our togetherness: they are one and the same: equivalent: Existence Money. This does not dissolve the collective problems, no, by Existence Money (the expression of our life entrance) we don’t create these problems any more. Life has back her own entrance to life, which costs nothing. A ‘new facilitation platform’ facilitates the use of Existence Money and has dissolved banks, 90% of government which have to transform into facilitating bureaus, the welfare bureau, health insurance companies, and a lot of communicipality work. And most important all poverty: is gone, because we don’t create it anymore.

There is no copyright and patent on Equi Living Togetherness and the currency Equi.
No copyright indeed when you comprehend ‘Out the One are the many’ instead of ‘out the many is the one’.
So everything coming from source, the One, (just like we ourselves human beings are) is without copyright: the copyright just can not be there. Equi, writing numbers of value in a notebook, living without money, coupons, contributionism (Ubuntu in its essence), etc.,. etc… there can not be copyright on it and it can not be taxed in any way. And all written laws are legal dead fictions.

Recognition old and new living togetherness
You recognize the ‘old’ by
Fear, Depression, Psychosis, Schizophrenia
Sacrifice, Suppression and Oppression
The Secret

You recognize the ‘new’ by
Inner peace
With ease, effortless
Letting each Other exist (stand) in freedom, no taxes added, no load added
The Abundance Principal
Co-creation out of passion (Supra Sex)





Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

Economics of Certainty is explained in the e-book ‘Welcoming Each Other and Her Protection (vertaling in het Nederlands: ‘Elkaar Welkom Heten en Haar Bescherming‘. Deel 1 van het e-boek is vrijelijk beschikbaar).

Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. i am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.






You are not a number!









In my world you are not a number and you create your money yourself. I do not need your birth certificate for this. Why should I? I know you exist in my world and you know I exist: This Is You And Me.

Simply living together without the complexity in the current ‘old world of structures and systems’. So no need of a birth certificate (so no fraud either), no passport, no drivers license, no banks, no taxation units, no govts as we know them but facilitation units

You Are All Invited in my world. Am I in yours?

The new reference point









Do you recognize the new reference point by now?
The new reference point, from source, which is already amongst us? Do you recognize this? Are you aware that a free living togetherness does not cost anything: no redirection of the ‘old’ money, no taxation (which is all illegal and not necessary at all)?

Do you comprehend that the true living togetherness could be here within one day, that we do not have to wait for anything: not for the gold backed up money (we could talk about the allegory of the gold = our Transcendental Soul), not for a project, free energy, being more lovable, becoming more spiritual, enlightenment…? Do you comprehend this all by now?

From the new reference point everything transforms and does not explode into chaos. Its essential to perceive FROM this new reference point. From this new reference point you will have the immediate discernment what is coming from source and what is not. The Light of source will shine through all documents, videos, talks, projects, political parties, movements, etc.

Again perceived from the new reference point our free access to life, our true living togetherness, does not cost anything and is back within one day. The One Programming Rule proves this: create sufficient money numbers for all humanity to be alive physically. This could be done within one day and does not cost anything but a choice/facilitation. That’s all! Entrance money for that what we really need: 1) access to life, and 2) healthcare.

So you are not being rewarded with the x-money numbers of your value: this has nothing to do with You Are The Value.

Why x? in money numbers?: the x? is the amount you need to be physically alive. When we would need 1000,00 then we create those money numbers a month. When we would need 500,00 then 500,00 etc. This is why the amount of money you are able to create monthly in Money Place (Equi) is flexible, because the amount you need depends on the country you live in and even the area you live.

These money numbers are the restoration for the fact that our free life entrance is stolen. When we would have free life entrance, when we would live together from a free unburdened, unburdening, and shared life entrance (Ubuntu in essence) then these money numbers as a restoration would not be necessary.

So our life entrance is occupied, stolen, and that’s why we need the restoration. That’s why you need to stand for the One Programming Rule. That’s why you need to become aware who you really are.

The transformation is not about money at all and is not a project, a concept, an idea, its not about savings for your children or/and grandchildren, etc., but about our living togetherness, about knowing who we really are, about becoming aware of the All Law and the essence of Ubuntu (which is life in its own context) and BEING the causal effect for the New Generation.

The choice you have to make, is: do you really long to connect from the new reference point? Maybe you do not comprehend it completely already, but there must be a feeling of recognition and resonance by now.

We Are All Invited
(Today we are celebrating Earth Day and our Mother invites us all. The choice to celebrate her is ours)

True protection






What is first govts should do facilitating All Life?

They should protect us from losing our houses. No one should lose their house. There was a petition for this but our govt is not doing anything with it (what else is new??).

What should we do to protect All Life?
How many people need to lose their houses, end up in jail because of steeling food, must keep on starving, and suffering, even dying… before we START TO LIVE TOGETHER?When do we get this? That the transition is here already and is ‘nothing more’ then start truly to live together?

Well… how difficult is that?? According to the cries for help, very very difficult for most of us people. Its not our govts who are REFUSING to facilitate our living togetherness (yes that too and that they should do, but they do not) but its US that still refuse to life together and keep on going in circles and circles… Its not that difficult: from a heartfelt longing to live together you just DO live together

Easy isn’t it? The truth is for most this is very very difficult.

Our Living Togetherness NEEDS to be protected. By truly living together. But we are not doing that either. Still we are voting for politicians and parties and governors, but the true protection of All Life is in truly live together.

Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Are you a professional protector of life (whatever your job is in life)?
I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. i am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Especially when YOU ARE a true protector of life… a true protector of our natural living together on Earth (the above e-book is written for you)…






‘I do not get it’

I do not get it’ (Living Togetherness)








Well that’s a statement from the ‘old psyche’ which is not WILLING to live together at all. Someone who is saying ‘I do not get it’ is not willing to do any effort in her/his own life: s/he is not letting in the new awareness but is in protection mode, re-acting. Probably you are not really done with the old, the current structures and systems (which are not doing anything themselves but the people in these structures and systems are feeding these), the pain and horror and suffering you see all around you…

When you feel the heartfelt longing ‘YES I truly WANT to live together’ then you are open minded from the choice you have made: you WANT to comprehend ‘it’ and you WILL DO the effort for this. You start investigating what the new awareness does mean in your own life. You want to make the new applicable in your own life. And then all in your ‘old psyche’ is being touched and start to move. Many things you will not grasp at once. You have to contemplate on them. Communicate. Ask questions and being open for the answer from the new. You are very much willing to do the effort because you made the choice from your inner heartfelt longing what living together from the new reference point is all about. So you take ownership of your own process which will ‘proceed’ in layers and circles, deeper and deeper… The new awareness need to be embodied and this goes step by step in your own life. When the new awareness is embodied you will perceive the world from a totally renewed point and from this you are capable of unfolding totally new area’s. When more and more people are co-creating from these totally new area’s co-creation will happen from the new, totally unknown area’s for all of us.

Our true living togetherness does not cost anything and is back within one day… That is… when humanity wants this to happen, when you and your fellow man wants this to happen… if not… well guess what? Then it will not happen of course.

This IS the transition we are in! Do you get this? The transformation is about our living togetherness. So not about a project, new politics, free energy, chasing gold backed up money, living without money/get rid of money… It is not about this at all: when you are still looking into the birth certificate fraud or feeling the necessity to get rid of money you are not done with the old at all.

All the awareness to grasp what I am saying in this posting is already freely available on the internet via this blog and other channels.

We Are All Invited… You Are Invited, but you must WANT to DO the effort.

Are you on the Transition Team already?








The ones still in protection mode of the old (problems created from the old psyche) will drag the old into the new and that’s an abusive act done to the new awareness which is back on Earth already, that’s hijacking and occupying Source again! And walking in circles around Source again. At the edge of Source its very busy. So many are not taking the last step into their own Source.

We are on the Transition Team: we really are. We are done with the old. We are not in protection mode to the old systems and structures and peoples mind set from the old.

We can pick up people’s old mindset from the new and point out where they are coming from the old and not from the new. When people are not touchable they will perceive this as arguing or debating or competing.

The ones who are on the Transition Team are not off the grid in the outer world, because they are living in the old also. These ones are totally done with the old in their inner and are perceiving the reality of the now from the new awareness and because of that you perceive the problems created in the old by the old totally different and you refer to them totally different from the new. For example the old is dealing with the birth certificate fraud, but perceived from the new their is NO birth certificate… so also no fraud. Do you understand this? Yes in the old the birth certificate fraud is here and is here still. So I invite you to perceive from the new: there are no birth certificate in the new world. There are no passports in the new world. There are no drivings license in the new world. There are no countries as corporations in the new world. There are no banks as we know them in the new world. There are no govts as we know them in the new world. There is no poorness in the new world. There is no richness as we know it in the new world. There is no competition in the new world, but harmony. There is no taxation in the new world. There is no burdening in the new world. There is no welfare in the new world. There are no police officers in the new world. Etc., etc…

Yes in the reality of the now, in the transition we are in, we need old money to survive: that’s why We embed the Transition.

All politicians are ‘only one human being’ and you will recognize if they are standing for the new and speaking from the new awareness or the old. One politician standing for the new and speaking from the new embeds the Transition and IS living together with his/her fellow man. Only then this (wo)man will be on the Transition Team also and is contributing to the transition we are in. Election and winning the election putting in front of a true living togetherness is from the old. He has to live together in the HERE NOW. Then he is on the Transition Team and open to receive the new awareness fully. The transitional steps are here too already.

Its about the governor himself! It about yourself! So it has nothing to do with elite manipulating the election. The governor IS speaking from the new all way long from the beginning already. The governor is working with a team and has people supporting and co creating with him: they all should stand for their free life entrance and embed the Transition and they should contribute to each others life entrance. Then they are on the Transition Team and walking their talk. Only then they are speaking ‘new’.

No this crowd s/he is co creating with, would truly live together and co-create what they want to co-create.

This goes for all movements, projects, interviewers, speakers, etc..

Everybody who does not want to be a sleepwalker anymore, and is not in protection mode for the old… is invited to connect and share with me and to truly live together with me


Are You the New Earth?





Are You the New Earth? Are you really?
Protecting ourselves, Real World

Every source awareness is already back on earth.

It is no use anymore, trying to awaken people.

There is no awakening needed anymore.
Everything is already back in availability.
Not wanting to get all this in your life, is peoples choice, not their victimity.

Now New Earth, that we already are for a long time,
must stand for itself, must be honest to itself.

We are not in the position to ‘save’ the rest of the world, as if they are victimity.
They suppress us! They vote in secret chambers, tax us, want to define our togetherness and don’t stand for their own life entrance, that costs nothing, and make us bleed for this choice: tax us for everything that they feel shortage in because they keep on abandoning their own life entrance. The word that they are all afraid to use.

So… how big is the new earth really then, hey?

The people that keep on standing outside source, make themselves ‘they’.
This is not what we do, from source.
We don’t chose for distance.
We don’t chose for separation.
We don’t chose for aggressiveness in money.
We stand openly for the life entrance of our togetherness.
The truth of life: that’s source.

Staying outside there, is deliberately positioning yourself as ‘they’.
Seen from the source.

They suppress us.
We must take care of our sane reality, and stand for our togetherness.
OUR togetherness. Not that of ‘the world’… the world must stand for it themselves.

If ‘actually also willing’ is hidden in people,
then they will recognize themselves in us.

We must take care of our own sane reality, and be honest: the rest of the world is suppressing us. So, we don’t fight them. No, we say: ‘Create for yourself all the money you want, and heal’… and create life entrance money for us / accept it from us. We don’t need to heal. We already chose from love, even though we are still spitted out, our life entrance still dragged away.

Transition is in the Now.
Transition is As Is.
So included the sick psyche.

We can’t wait for the sick psyche to heal. It doesn’t and meanwhile it destroys further.
It will heal, when it does not have to do anything for the money they think they need….

So, we want our life entrance money,
and the sick psyche wants more….
well, let’s create it for them.
So it can stop slaughtering everything.

If you want to show your Parenthood too, within The New Generation Amongst Us? Well live from this awareness and communicate from this awareness.


Do you agree?

Do you agree with the truth of life that life entrance does not cost anything and is back within one day but that govts REFUSE to facilitate us and will not do this probably either…?
The meaning of what I am saying here: life entrance does not cost anything and is back within one day you can find and study via different channels… All is out there already and available. We have done our research in the old and we are done with the old: we do not go there anymore for research. We are perceiving and living together from the new awareness. Maybe this needs individual guidance: that’s up to everyone to decide.

Then you are aware of the fact that our free life entrance is deliberately stolen STILL (our govts and banks are informed about this truth of life) and that we are oppressed and suppressed by them but that does not change anything perceived from the truth: life entrance does not cost anything and is back within one day.

We need to have this very clear because govts and banks refuse to facilitate us!

So we comprehend the deep meaning of: I am the one I have been waiting for, because I have to stand for myself and my normal living togetherness. I have to stand for my own free life entrance which is stolen from me and because of that I am suppressed and oppressed in my normal living togetherness.

From this awareness you start to talk differently with politicians, police officers, military, your fellow man, etc. etc.

You invite all of them to live together with you in a normal living togetherness. This means you first need to embrace this new awareness in yourself, because you will have to explain where you stand for and why. You are not coming from poorness, you are not coming from lack, you are not coming from a NEED… You are coming from the truth of life and the heartfelt longing to simply live together.

And then see what happens: are the politicians, your friends and family, policeman, etc., going to live together with you? Are they contributing to your free life entrance?

Maybe you have to face they REFUSE also and this is not easy to face
You start to discern who to promote and who not… Because: are they coming from truth? Or are they putting something in front of the normal living together with you? Are the movement leaders and the ones involved in the movements you promote living together with you? Is that governor you promote living together with you?

All the ones involved in the movements and the political parties can live together too and this is what they must do otherwise it is of no true value what they are doing: because when they REFUSE they are refusing a normal living together and putting something in front of a normal living togetherness on earth.

From a normal living togetherness we co-create in crowd power processes. Connecting, in total freedom, with the crowd you feel resonance with. And others will do the same. And the ones who choose to live alone do that. All Humanity will flow(er) because life will flow in its own context.

So: a normal living togetherness FIRST. From a normal living togetherness all will unfold by itself.

We embed the Transition on facebook.

Food for Thought







When you are someone promoting (new) politicians, governors, new projects (Venus project for example) etc. invite them to live together with you. Invite them to embed the Transition.

Now they are putting their fundraising in front of living together with you while promising you they will start to live together with you when they got selected or have their projects running and you will have your stolen life entrance back or you are able to live without money and you  never have to work again because of the new created technology? They are aware of the birth certificate fraud and they promise you to dissolve the problems you have in the here now…?

Well well, all that fundraising money could be a contribution to lots of peoples life entrance in the Here and Now!

I invite you to let sink in this awareness: there should be nothing put in front of our true living togetherness. From a true living togetherness most of the current problems in the old will be dissolved or transformed already. We do need no politicians or new projects for this. The moment our free life entrance is back most of the problems created in the old are gone. And from this new life experience on earth crowd power processes will unfold: we together as a crowd will co-create what we want to co-create. Do you comprehend the profound discernment?

A huge availability of ‘old’ money







I feel a new religion coming (its already here) but this religion is also false

Also when you experience total freedom from the current ‘old’ money this money is the expression of lack and is causing poverty and inequity among people: because its in the money creation moment.

The current money is the expression of lack, power over, control, poverty, government in stead of governance… No matter what your relationship with this kind of money is: the current money does not facilitate our living together. This is no coincidence, the is knowingly installed on Earth to enslave us. This is reality and your relationship with this ‘old’ money does not change nor transform anything. Period.

The evil and inequity, relating to money, is in the creation moment of the current money

People who already have enough are able to create tons of money for themselves for mortgages. People who do not have anything are not able to do so: they are pushed out of the equation… Since long this is the truth and this inequity must stop NOW.

So the creation moment of the money must change: no longer money creation for mortgages… no longer money creation in debt.

The creation moment should be: Existence Money for all humanity

The deepest evil is our robbed direct access to Earth, Her resources and each other talents and this must be corrected: we correct this via Existence Money. So for all humanity the same amount (depending on where on Earth you live because you need less in India then in Germany)… Enough money numbers to get our basic needs met. No longer money creation for the ‘have’s’ only.

We need to stop creating poverty, lack, inequity among our fellow humans.

So its not in the relationship to the current money that counts. Its in your normal living together on Earth… Its in your relationship with your fellow human that counts. And money should work as a facilitation means. But the current money does not do that (because of the way he is created).

Money is already transformed. But the transformed money is refused. By the governments: they refuse to facilitate our living together. And also by humans: humans are now saying that its in the relationship with the current money that counts. No that’s not true and does not do anything for the ones who are offered now in our living together, who are pushed out of the equation, and who are suffering. Are YOU ready to transmute and to do the inner work?

Allow Yourself 2016 because its all about your consciousness

(Gun Jezelf 2016: voor Nederlandse vertaling scroll naar beneden via deze link.)

Originally the title said: ‘Allow each other 2016′. But this is essentially false.The meaning of ‘Each other’ is still hacked in peoples psyche you see. So its truly about YOU only. The meaning of ‘Each other’ is explained via The New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm and in the e-book ‘Welcoming Each Other and Her Protection‘ (deel 1 van dit boek is vrijelijk beschikbaar in het Nederlands en zal te zijner tijd vertaald worden naar het Engels.)

Allow Yourself 2016


The availability of ‘old’ money

Let me address a very rich person who has lots of ‘old money’ here as a huge availability of ‘old’ money, then the message of that aware rich person is: we want the world to be able to live together and thus we make this money (and gold etc.) available. Well, that’s great.

But… this misses the new reference point. Existence Money means that every person can create enough money to be alive. Like in the Netherlands that is 750-1000. This MUST be part of the ‘rich persons’ transition: the very fact that every person can create there own money monthly, equivalent to being alive. And with this equivalent money (Existence Money), you can buy exactly what you need. So… with the ‘very rich person’ it does not matter anymore that the old system is suppressing us, because, with our ‘new’ currencies, we then can buy monthly enough old money at that ‘very rich person’. And this way we are alive from our ‘new’ currencies. And thus do we not need to work for euro’s (dollars) anymore, no, we can ask ‘new’ currencies among each other.




Existence Money is NOT an alternative system nor a plan or ideology. It is the transmutated from of our ‘old’ money. And thus we just exchange Existence Money and euro (dollar) where needed. So that ‘very rich person’ should not say: we make a back up for all kinds of currencies. No, she must say: everybody can pay with their ‘new’ currency for our ‘old money’. It’s the only thing that is needed. You do not need Money Place for it. That ‘very rich person’ can build her/his own ‘new Existence Money’ currency Facilitation Platform. There is no copy right on Equi Living Togetherness: could not be, everything coming from Source, The One… there can not be copy right or patent on it… Mother Nature does not use copy right on Her free flow(ering).

Basic income transformed






More about ‘basic income’ (basisinkomen)

(Scroll down in this text for insights on the Living Income Guaranteed)

When are you DOing HARM to another? When you feed of someones life force energy. So suppressing someone is DOing harm. Taxing someone is DOing harm. So promoting basic income for example is DOing harm because basic income is all about re-distribution ‘old money’ and taxation. That is suppression. And we know by now that re-distribution of ‘old money’ is not needed at all since money is re-invented a long time ago and taxes are illegal.

There is no innocence anymore. All the transitional information is out there.

I want to bring in a real life situation to elaborate on from the Light of the ‘new’ reference point through this ‘old’ way of thinking

Someone is saying:
@CNN discusses basic minimum income for all.

Another one is saying:
@Encouraging us to take the route of slavery to the system again.

Now let shine the Light from the new reference point through this ‘old’ way of thinking!

Basic income? No this will keep all in the system
Basic income: politics are talking for more then decades already about a basic income and still it is not here. That’s first.

Second: the co notations on ‘income’ is that you have to DO something in return to earn this income and that’s not true. It is no income at all, its a restoration because free life entrance is occupied, so this is a compensation, not an income at all.

Third: basic income is still about taxing and burdening us, and redistribution of ‘old’ money.

Living Income Guaranteed?

The Living Income Guaranteed will assist and support those individuals within society that find themselves in a disadvantaged position as a result of this structural ineffectiveness and inadequacy.

Unlike the Basic Income Grant proposals, the Living Income Guaranteed is not unconditionally provided but is allocated through a means-test.First: The co notations on ‘income’ is that you have to DO something in return to earn this income and that’s not true. It is no income at all, its a restoration because free life entrance is occupied, so this is a compensation, not an income at all.

Second: The Living Income is ONLY for those individuals within society that find themselves in a disadvantaged position.

Third: Its not provided unconditionally but is allocated through a means-test.

Both the Basic Income as the Living Income Guaranteed do not transform ANYTHING in the current ‘old’ money system because the MONEY CREATION MOMENT does not change. And both are NOT the corrections of the fact that our direct free access to Earth, Her resources, and each others talents are stolen from us.






The ONE PROGRAMMING RULE, Existence Money (bestaansgeld)

The One Programming Rule IS already here. Tax money is not needed at all and is illegal: we know this all by now (Taxing Is Illegal). Google on ‘taxing is illegal’ and you will find many hits. But its not needed, its not necessary at all. The One Programming Rule, Existence Money, is one of the ‘New Life Impulses‘ needed to restore the inequity among humans.

Creating money out of thin air is NOT the issue. The issue is the creation moment. The ‘right’ creation moment is: Existence Money. Money to be alive physically and for every one (in the region) the same amount. Including money numbers needed for access to health care. We do not need ‘old’ money for this. We do not need tax money for this.

We MUST STOP creating money for mortgages and loans. Who can create a mortgage? Who can create a loan? Right the rich ones. And we all know how ‘old’ money works. We do know this for years already. But the ones with BIG houses still are feeling very good by creating HUGE amounts for themselves. And afterwards blaming the banks because of their way of creating money. But many already know, but are not truly facing this. Economists saying that it is about interest. Mortgages drama’s etc. No we have to stop creating money for mortgages and loans immediately.

And create Existence Money from now on. Our govt (Netherlands) and the banks are informed, but they refuse and still suppress our free living togetherness.

Existence Money does not cost anything and is back within one day.

For more in-depth awareness you can join the New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm, which is homeschooling!

Someone is saying:
@The point is, the topic is out there on a mainstream network

This is on mainstream networks for decades already: at least in the Netherlands and Germany and other European countries.

Another one is saying:
@after they return all the assets that they have stolen from them.

You will comprehend by now that we do NOT have to wait for the assets that they have been stolen from us.

What they really stole from us is our free access to life and we will have this back with the One Programming Rule (i.e. Existence Money) within one day and this costs nothing!

There is no waiting anymore. For years already is not. What is here is the refusal and the suppression of a true living togetherness.

Start living together in your own life.

Invite the politics who are talking about ‘basic income’ in the Circle of Life. Invite Michael Tellinger in the Circle of Life. Invite all the SWI delegates in the Circle of Life. Invite all the OPPT people in the Circle of Life. I did. Almost all are postponing the true living togetherness. Do you see them sharing Existence Money? Do you see them contributing to the Free Existence of their fellow man? Do you hear them talking about The One Programming Rule (i.e. Existence Money)? Do they STAND FOR their OWN Free Existence and that of their fellow human?


(English translation underhere)
Onderstaande song over ‘basisinkomen’ is een inspiratie en dan verdiept naar Equi Living Togetherness…: en nu nog wegstappen van onderdrukking. Jullie kiezen er voor om anderen te onderdrukken: anderen belasten voor een basisinkomen. Maar dat is helemaal niet nodig. Er kan (nee moet) gewoon maandelijks het geld aangemaakt worden voor ons allen om in leven te zijn. En dan bij iedere transactie voortaan automatisch weer een deel hiervan laten oplossen. 1/1000 bijvoorbeeld. Voor dit aangemaakte geld (het zijn gewoon getallen, dat weet iedereen nou wel) is 100% economische back up, want we brengen het onmiddellijk naar de bakker en zo… klaar. 90% van de structuren lossen dan meteen op. Belastingen lossen dan vanzelf op. En ga zo maar door. Kost niks. Niet eens tijd: is binnen 1 dag geimplementeerd in de huidige bank applicaties. Aan het ‘leven’ kant van het verhaal snappen jullie alles al, vanuit een goed gevoel van eigen waarde. Geweldig. Maar aan het ‘wie gaat dat betalen’ kant van het verhaal snappen jullie het nog niet. Het is niet een ander die het hoeft te betalen, jouw in leven zijn. Er is maar 1 programmeer regel nodig in de software van de huidige bankapplicaties. We hoeven niemand te belasten. Jouw goede gevoel van eigen waarde kan simpelweg verwachten, eisen, dat we allemaal deze geldgetallen beschikbaar hebben. De meeste Nederlanders hebben helemaal geen goed gevoel van eigen waarde. Durven het niet normaal te vinden om simpelweg getallen aan te laten maken voor jouw in leven zijn waar al 100% economische back voor is. En dus willen ze een ander belasten. Dat vinden Nederlanders wel normaal….een ander belasten. Nou, DAT dus nog even los laten: weg stappen van het elkaar onderdrukken.


(Dutch translation up here)

The song underhere about ‘basic income’ is an inspiration and then deepend to Equi Living Togetherness…: step away of suppression. You still choose to suppress others and each other: tax others and each other for a ‘basic income’. But this is not necessary at all. It is possible, and this should happen, to create a monthly amount to get every ones basic needs met. And with every transaction a little percentage, for example 1/1000, dissolves (because we our selves do not live for ever). There is 100% economical back up for this created monthly amount of money (money are just numbers in a spreadsheet and by now everybody knows this), because we pay our basic needs, like the bakery for example, with this money… Done! That’s it! 90% of the current burdening systems and structures will dissolve immediately or have to transform. Taxes will dissolve. And so on and so on… Costs nothing. Not even time: is implemented within one day in banking applications. The ‘being alive’ side of the story you already get totally, because you get the meaning of a good feeling of You Being the Value, self love and self respect. Wonderful!

But the question ‘who is going to pay’? you do not get already. It is not the other who has to pay your being alive. It only takes One Programming Rule in the software of banking applications. Its not necessary to tax anyone. Your true self love and self respect, your knowing of You Are the Value can simply expect, or rather claim, that all of us has money numbers available. Most (Dutch) people do not have a good feeling of self love and self respect, and are not aware that They Are The Value. They do not dare to simply find it normal to create numbers for their being alive while the 100% economical back up is here already. That’s why they want to tax others. (Dutch) People do agree taxing one another.

Well, lose THAT: step away of suppressing one another.

Upcoming water CRISIS?




An upcoming water CRISIS? Food crisis? WTF!
Instead of having the awareness of our birthright (free Entrance to Life unconditionally) ‘they’ are indoctrinating you about another CRISIS and that’s why we NEED solar cells for example.

‘They’ are indoctrinating you about CO2 too, but we already know that’s hoax!!

Remember ALL crisis in history are being created!! Again ‘they’ are nothing more then criminal commerce and propaganda. via Equi awareness you will develop discernment on this kind of nonsense. Please educate yourself instead of listening to bs propaganda documentaries, projects, movements…

From free Entrance to Life unconditionally all collective issues are dissolved because they will transform or are not here anymore:
– Healthcare, we already have a deeper understanding on ‘sickness’
– More and more machines are coming in: Yeah of course… lose all your connection with your natural intelligence… lose all your connection with your body-awareness… But remember: you yourself are your own healer. Nothing outside you is…
– What absolutely is UNTRUE is that abundance and free Entrance of Life will be here because of upcoming technology: that’s NOT TRUE at all. Abundance is already here! You are already here, but your free access to life is stolen from you
– For example ‘they’ are ‘informing’ you about discoveries of a test to diagnose different sorts of cancer in a more cheap way until now big pharma had. Yeah right!! Remember it’s because of big pharma people die of cancer: we have already deeper understanding about the cause of cancer.

So, ‘they’ aren’t educating you on the awareness of Abundance and your birthright, no they again are indoctrinating you. Now that I pointed it out, do you recognize this?

The only thing we have to do, is keep life-entrance in a shared state. That’s all. All the rest will follow by itself, will dissolve: life takes care of itself.

One way of keeping life in a shared state is The One Programming Rule. We need our representatives to facilitate us and up to now they REFUSE. Together we must shout and claim our birthright.

But we do NOT wait. There is NO waiting, because there is NO dependency anymore: the ‘only’ thing we ‘MUST’ DO, is keeping life-entrance in a shared state ourselves.