Tagarchief: life-entrance

Equinomy is already here





Equinomy and Sacred ‘Economics’ are not the same
Cause Equinomy is the Economics of Certainty and Her Choice is here for years already

The Gift is IN the Awareness that We Welcome Each Other in our Midst
In our Normal Living Together on Earth

Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.


Making it solid awareness in the Field…
From this Field… Real Love… Equi Living Togetherness is pouring her essence

Equinomy is already here and does not need a plan






That is ‘Equi’ in yourself: truly willing to live together from a shared life-entrance.

You are the Equi(valent) of your basic needs you need to be physically alive. So claim this Equi(valent) money and your basic needs are met.

Equi(valent) money costs nothing and is back within one day: so no redistribution of (gold backed up) money and taxation is needed.

Your (sexual) life force energy backs Euro (US) currency, but you think money is backed by gold. So groups are chasing the gold backed up money.

This is the Abundance principle
Life sharing is the (co-)creational Power of Life. This is a true sharing and connection in equity and equality. No need to give more then to receive… Why? In making deep spiritual love there is an exchange of (sexual) life force energy and Real Love in equity and equality too!

That is ALREADY truth.
This is the Principal of Life.

There are no economical problems, never were, and never will be. There is a deliberate or unconscious refusal of the Principal of Life. But now there is no innocence anymore. So in the here now all refusal is deliberate.

It is ALREADY the truth that your (sexual) life force energy backs Euro (US) currency. That’s why they talk about the birth certificate fraud, because this money does not flow to you but to the fraudulent banks.

Stand for your birth right and claim the One Programming Rule which corrects this fraud.
Equinomy: the One Programming Rule
No more starvation, people losing their houses, suppression in so many ways (yes welfare is also suppression: the deepest subtle suppression)…

‘They’ have made you believe that you need ‘money’ in order to live. This is a lie spun to harvest your (sexual) life force energy and enslave you. WE DON’T NEED MONEY. Old money that is. The One Programming Rule (Existence Money, Bestaansgeld) proves this, because with Existence Money every ones basic needs are met without paying money.

Money is re-invented a long time ago already.

No plan
Just implementing One Programming Rule (Existence Money, Bestaansgeld) in banking applications. It’s that easy!
All life will self-correct when our stolen free life entrance is corrected. The current burdening systems and structures will transform or dissolve by itself because life is flowing in her own context again. Natural Law or Cosmic Law or Tribal Traditions… will be restored on Earth also.

The power is ours. But we must use it. Together as a ‘ Global Free Community‘.

All humanity will thrive again and will (co-)create what s/he is willing to (co-)create. Could be new technologies too of course: in (co-)creation all will unfold by itself.


Learn more about
The One Programming Rule
The Principal of Life
Money is re-invented a long time ago already
A huge availability of money
Natural Law and Tribal Traditions
A true sharing and connection
Basic income transformed

Upcoming water CRISIS?




An upcoming water CRISIS? Food crisis? WTF!
Instead of having the awareness of our birthright (free Entrance to Life unconditionally) ‘they’ are indoctrinating you about another CRISIS and that’s why we NEED solar cells for example.

‘They’ are indoctrinating you about CO2 too, but we already know that’s hoax!!

Remember ALL crisis in history are being created!! Again ‘they’ are nothing more then criminal commerce and propaganda. via Equi awareness you will develop discernment on this kind of nonsense. Please educate yourself instead of listening to bs propaganda documentaries, projects, movements…

From free Entrance to Life unconditionally all collective issues are dissolved because they will transform or are not here anymore:
– Healthcare, we already have a deeper understanding on ‘sickness’
– More and more machines are coming in: Yeah of course… lose all your connection with your natural intelligence… lose all your connection with your body-awareness… But remember: you yourself are your own healer. Nothing outside you is…
– What absolutely is UNTRUE is that abundance and free Entrance of Life will be here because of upcoming technology: that’s NOT TRUE at all. Abundance is already here! You are already here, but your free access to life is stolen from you
– For example ‘they’ are ‘informing’ you about discoveries of a test to diagnose different sorts of cancer in a more cheap way until now big pharma had. Yeah right!! Remember it’s because of big pharma people die of cancer: we have already deeper understanding about the cause of cancer.

So, ‘they’ aren’t educating you on the awareness of Abundance and your birthright, no they again are indoctrinating you. Now that I pointed it out, do you recognize this?

The only thing we have to do, is keep life-entrance in a shared state. That’s all. All the rest will follow by itself, will dissolve: life takes care of itself.

One way of keeping life in a shared state is The One Programming Rule. We need our representatives to facilitate us and up to now they REFUSE. Together we must shout and claim our birthright.

But we do NOT wait. There is NO waiting, because there is NO dependency anymore: the ‘only’ thing we ‘MUST’ DO, is keeping life-entrance in a shared state ourselves.

Money or no money?

Money or no money makes no difference when there has been no inner transmutation and the awareness of self respect: we are the value. As long as we do not comprehend that we will fall into the trap of slavery and putting authority and ‘power over’ us.

Labor (your life force energy) and free entrance to life unconditionally are not interrelated in any way. Very important to address this correctly and to let this sink in in the deepest level of your awareness.

Free life entrance unconditionally is our birthright. This is an inner awareness which you recognize in yourself as truth (about Life, so you understand this isn’t an idea or something of your mind). The moment you recognize this awareness, you will start to claim your birthright. And you start communicating from this awareness to yourself, your (direct) surroundings, and you will develop discernment in what truly comes into being from a free and untaxed living together and what not.

So provide a monthly amount (euro 750,00 – 1000,00 in the Netherlands) for everyone. This monthly amount is a compensation because free entrance to life is occupied. So it’s your birthright to receive this monthly amount unconditionally and you don’t have to DO (no labor/work) nothing in return. This is very important to comprehend. Of course you can (and probably will) contribute your talents (your life force energy) to our living together. But not on demand, but from free will in any way you like/wish. That’s big difference.

So you are not being rewarded with ‘new’ Existence Money 750,00 – 1000,00 of your value: this is total bs and has nothing to do with You Are The Value.

Why 750,00 – 1000,00 in money numbers?: this is the amount you need to be physically alive, to get your basic needs met. When we would need 1500,00 then we create those money numbers a month. When we would need 500,00 then 500,00 etc. This is why the amount of money you are able to create monthly via the Equi Place Platform is flexible, because the amount you need depends on the country you live in and even the area you live.

These money numbers are the restoration for the fact that our free life entrance is stolen. When we would have free direct access to Earth, her resources and each others talents…, when we would live together from a free unburdened, unburdening, and shared life entrance (Ubuntu in essence) then these money numbers as a restoration would not be necessary.

So our life entrance is occupied, stolen, and that’s why we need the restoration. That’s why you need to stand for the One Programming Rule. That’s why you need to become aware who you really are.

The transformation is not about money at all and is not a project, a concept, an idea, its not about savings for your children or/and grandchildren, etc., but about our living togetherness, about knowing who we really are, about becoming aware of the All Law and the essence of Ubuntu (which is life in its own context) and BEING the causal effect for the New Generation.

We Are the NEw Earth

Facebook Global Co Creation Community – Circle of Life

In this group you will find the transitional steps we have to make in our own lives when we long to live together from free entrance to life unconditionally: a free unburdened and unburdening livingtogetherness with our fellow man and our beautiful spaceship Mother Earth.

Yes, we ALL NEED a a shelter, food, clean drinking water, warmth etc. And in the here now we NEED currency for that. Entrance to life is stored in currency: so we can provide ourselves enough currency to be physically alive. This will solve all poverty, because you will receive enough currency monthly you really need to be physically alive.

If in the FUTURE there will be a living together without money/currency…? That’s a possibilaty but not a necessity: we have free choice to use a clean free unburdened and unburdening currency like Equi is. But in the here now life entrance is stored in euro (Netherlands). So we pleed for the one programmingrule in bankapplications. Our ‘government’ has to facilitate us. Ofcourse we all know that they are not doing that. But they should. So we send them letters in which we communicate the truth. The police and military has to protect us. But they do not (yet). So we send them letters in which we communicate this truth. The taxingcorporation is illegal and we have informed them also: taxing is illegal.

Our ‘government’ (Netherlands) knows this truth for years now, but let us down. Again and again. The banks are informed. Everybody is. But they are very scared of this truth, bc with one programmingrule everyone in the Netherlands (but worldwide also) has his/her life entrance back. And there will be no poverty anymore, nobody becomes homeless anymore bc they receive enough currency to be alive etc.

The currency we need to be alive we can create ourselves out of nothing: a monthly amount of 750 or 1000. Just a number. And a non-recurrent amount of 100.000,00 of whatever to repay debts, loans, mortgages. And for the ones who have no debts also. No need to back up this currency with gold. That’s true awareness about currency. We ourselves are the countervalue of currency: the monthly amount we need to be physically alive is the countervalue of currency (so not our labour either). From this you comprehend there will always be enough for everyone. And with every transaction 1/1000 disolves bc we do not live forever.

So communicate and reclaim your life entrance. There is no lack on earth. While implementing the one programmingrule the ‘government’ has to announce nobody becoming homeless, or gas/electricity will be closed of, etc. Police and military must start to protect us etc. The patriarchy psyche in all of us (both man and woman) has to grow up.

Among us there are grown up conscious beings and they must start living together from shared entrance to life and contribute to the life entrance of others.

There’s no more waiting. Not even for a new system (a system in credit is already here: equi-place.net). Not for becoming more enlightened lovable beings. We are already here on earth. We are good enough to reclaim our birthright: being physically alive on this beautiful spaceship Mother Earth.

Start living together from a shared living togetherness. Be a grown up and start living together like this. Do not wait for anything and start/keep on communicating from true awareness.

Please stay on topic in this group. I know groupdescription is in Dutch but I think you grasp what this group is about. I will explain in short: this group is about living together from free entrance to life unburdened and unburdening. And crowd power from this awareness.

People will have to look in other groups when they want to read about the federal being a contract, government being controlled church, the flu, basiscincome etc. So please remove your posts.

We have done all this work and we are aware of it. When others are not they can research the information on this topics. All is out there.


We Are Alle Invited and We Are All Connected

Facebook groep Global Co Creation Community – Circle of Life


Free Access to Life is our birthright

Equi logo




It needs to be addressed again
Labor (your life force energy) and free entrance to life unconditionally are not interrelated in any way. Very important to address this correctly and to let this sink in in the deepest level of your awareness. We are in the middle of a spiritual transformation and its all about Knowing Thyself. Then You Are in Your Own Individual Power and starts living from a true togetherness and sharing with Your Mother Earth and in alignment with All There Is. No more manipulation, no more harvesting of your (sexual) life force energy. Just you flowing wherever life wishes you to flow(er).

What is suppressed is your free access to life, your free flow(ering) is suppressed due to occupying the land and the resources and the direct living togetherness with your fellow man due to laws and rules ‘they’ implemented. The issue is the harvesting of your (sexual) life force energy: this is what ‘they’ are after.

Via the New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm I’m pulling you through your inner duality triangle. That’s needed because otherwise you will (unconscious) drag the old into the new. And all collective problems are from the old. This you will understand after you’ve passed through the Academy (free homeschooling).

Free life entrance unconditionally
Free access to life unconditionally is our birthright. This is an inner awareness which you recognize in yourself as truth (about Life, so you understand this isn’t an idea or something of your mind). The moment you recognize this awareness, you will start to claim your birthright. And you start communicating from this awareness to yourself, your (direct) surroundings, and you will develop discernment in what truly comes into being from a free and untaxed living together and what not.

The One Programming Rule (Existence Money)
The One Programming Rule (you will understand this expression after attending The New Earth Life Academy) is a compensation! of the reality that free access to Earth, Her resources and each others talents is occupied (as a result of laws and rules, our current taxed payment system in debt and so on). The monthly amount is a compensation, a restoration because of this fact and has nothing to do with labor/work in any way possible.

The monthly amount (euro 750,00 – 1000,00 in the Netherlands: free choice) is a compensation because free access to life is occupied. So it’s your birthright to receive this monthly amount unconditionally and you don’t have to DO (no labor/work) nothing in return. This is very important to comprehend. Of course you can (and probably will) contribute your talents (your life force energy) to our living together. But not on demand, but from free will in any way you like/wish. That’s big difference. Besides Existence Money there are other life impulses needed to solve the distance and inequity ‘rich’ people have in comparison with their ‘poor’ fellow humans.

The moment you comprehend this awareness on your deepest core you automatically start sharing life entrance and start keeping life entrance in a shared state. From this awareness you will be able to govern yourself. No longer you accept governments to power over you, to rule and lead you. You are perfectly capable to lead yourself.

From this moment on you will comprehend that representatives are there because to facilitate your choices: so you start to plead for your birthright which is a free untaxed living togetherness: you start to plead for The One Programming rule (which is the monthly amount you need to be alive physically).

No more waiting
From this moment on you will Embed the Transition, because you will understand there’s no waiting (for politics, governments etc.). You start to share life entrance yourself. And the way you do this, you do it.

As soon as The One Programming rule is implemented, euro (US Dollar, etc.) works as the currency Equi which means that everyone in the Netherlands receives free entrance to life unconditionally. From that moment on a totally new situation is created on Earth by which the Life Circles are not needed anymore and will dissolve. Of course we can implement The One Programming rule globally so that every living Human Being on Earth receives free entrance to Life unconditioanally (read also meest gestelde vragen, die gesteld worden aan de Levenscirkel: this is in Dutch).

No poverty
From Oneness Consciousness we KNOW that physical poverty doesn’t excist, because there’s no duality from Oneness: we can restore physical poverty within one day with The One Programming rule. All dual problems will dissolve from a shared living togetherness.

What a relief and relaxation you will feel bodily and energetically when you dare to let sink in deeply the awareness from living together from a shared togetherness. Enjoy this!

You are the economical value of money. Your existence is the counter value of money. Not gold, silver, or whatsoever. Also not your labor (life force energy). No you yourself: you bring the money to the baker, etc.

And your economical value can be created out of nothing. Costs nothing.

Money is transformed for years already (but the transformed money is refused by our govts: they still refuse to do their jobs and facilitate us in our living together on Earth. 

Update 2019
Lees en bestudeer het e-boek ‘Als de regering ineens oplost‘. In dit boek komt alles samen wat sinds 2006 vrijelijk beschikbaar is gesteld vanuit ‘vrij en onbelast(end) samen leven’.