A normal Living Together on Earth and Honoring Each Others true Value
Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.
Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.
I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.
In our Normal Living Together on Earth
Het nieuwe waarde eren
De teksten en inzichten vanuit vrij en onbelast(end) samen leven op mijn blog, mijn dochter website ‘Het Gekruide Pad‘, en de teksten, inzichten, en columns op mijn website Het Bewuste Pad stel ik vrijelijk beschikbaar. Als je mijn teksten en inzichten wilt waarderen, nodig ik je uit daar expressie aan te geven door een bedrag te laten doorstromen.
Expressie geven aan de toegevoegde waarde van iemands gift in de vorm van oorspronkelijk talent en beschikbaarheid: kortom waarde toekennen aan het geen iemand door middel van haar of zijn gift toevoegt aan jouw bestaan…
Free Existence Me
I am a free Spirit and I long to simply live together on Earth. Together with other free Spirits. I have freed myself from the matrix on many levels. That’s why I STAND FOR my free Existence. I NEED my physical body being alive. So I can live my passion, which is expressed via my website Het Bewuste Pad, Het Gekruide Pad, blogs and columns and YouTube Channel, and contribute my talents to a free society.
Only a freed mind and a freed physical body is totally free from the matrix. Freeing the mind is the effort we have to do ourselves, we have to do this inner work ourselves (not necessarily alone yet self). Freeing our physical body’s from the matrix we ‘must’ do among each other (one after another), because the matrix refuses to facilitate us in our natural free living on Earth, we ourselves ‘must’ facilitate this process (must between ” because this is a free choice humanity has to make).
Do you want to contribute to my free Existence?
I am living in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands free Existence is up to euro 1000,00 monthly. I only need euro 750,00 on a monthly basis.
Are you a free Spirit too living from the New Earth value, the New Reference Point and you want to contribute to my free Existence?
You can contribute to my Free Existence by transferring an amount (in euro) via my Paypal account on a monthly basis.
1* Do not mark ‘betaalt u voor goederen of services (do you pay for goods or services’), otherwise costs are attached and
2* Create a monthly transfer: you can cancel you monthly contribution via Paypal anytime you want of course, because you no longer want or can contribute (please inform me?).
When I receive my Existence Money (euro 750,00 on a monthly bases) I long to offer all my services, sessions, workshops, etc. in a freely available means of exchange.
My contributions to the Free Existence of my fellow man
I myself contribute to the free Existence of my fellow man by transferring euro 10,00 monthly to the banking account of one fellow human (this was shown transparent via the non-banking Platform Equi Place, but since this Platform is dissolved it is not shown openly anymore).
I contribute to the Free Existence of my fellow man for years already on a monthly basis and regular euro 120,00 year contribution at once. Sometimes I do this even more often to the same one, because I know they are in deep poverty (I could call out names, but I am protecting the ones I am transferring money to: its not up to me to make the names public).
Free Existence is not a solution for poverty. Free Existence is about the choice we make in our living together on Earth and not causing the collective problems including poverty anymore: this is a essential distinction which must be understood: we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Thank you,
mascha roedelof
Equal Exchange
I would rather pay you for the euro-Existence Money with our new currency that we facilitate among ourselves and that then of course works as New Existence Money. With my own monthly 750,00 in New Existence Money I’d be happy to pay for the euro-Existence Money that I need in today’s reality. But unfortunately… there is no New Existence Money. It was here, that was Equi Place, but she is resolved. Well… who knows… maybe a current new money surroundings will one day start to work as New Existence Money.
My deepest Heart’s desire, my Heart’s Dream
It is my deepest Heart’s desire, my Heart’s dream, with others who also long for this from their Source, to manifest a physical place on earth (I mean this in a grand manner as in global: we are all connected) where harmony and balance exists between Mother Earth and all her inhabitants, where we live together in peace, where illusionary and external appearances and masks are more and more able to dissolve, where we stand in our nakedness and purity and there are no more secrets, where openness, clarity and transparency are being lived, where everyone stands in his / her own power and lives his / her own Heart’s Dream, where resources are evenly distributed, where we play together in Freedom, Joy, and Unconditional Love in Togetherness and Unity…
I feel a new challenge in the co-creation of the ‘new living together’, a way of living together in which my Heart’s desire can be realized. Where people live together on basis of the Abundance Principle, and use a pure means of exchange, Equi, connected with the earth and her wonderful nature. I heartily welcome to step into the Circle of the Abundance Principle anyone who feels from the Abundance principle this inner impulse to co-create.
Contact me
When you feel resonance in the field a work feel invited to contact me.
Co Creation is one of the expressions from the New Earth
On the New Earth we Walk our Talk which also means we co create what has value for our living together. This means including contributing financially.
Direct valuation and support for my work via my Paypal account
When you feel resonance in the field a work feel invited |
Het nieuwe waarde eren, expressie geven aan de toegevoegde waarde van iemands gift in de vorm van oorspronkelijk talent en beschikbaarheid: kortom waarde toekennen aan het geen iemand door middel van haar of zijn gift toevoegt aan jouw bestaan…